25 martie 2009

Someday my prince will come

Cântecul din filmul lui Walt Disney „Albă ca Zăpada şi cei şapte pitici”, interpretat de Laurent Korcia şi Camille

Some day my prince will come
Some day I’ll find my love
And how thrilling that moment will be
When the prince of my dreams comes to me

He’ll whisper „I love you”
And steal a kiss or two
Though he’s far away
I’ll find my love some day
Some day when my dreams come true

Some day I’ll find my love
Someone to call my own
And I’ll know her the moment we meet
For my heart will start skipping a beat

Some day we’ll say and do
Things we’ve been longing to
Though she’s far away
I’ll find my love some day
Some day when my dreams come true

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