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 24 octombrie 2008

Trains And Winter Rains

Videoclipul cântecului cu sound inconfundabil – Enya

City Streets passing by,
Underneath stormy skies.

Neon signs in the sky,
Red and blue city lights.
Cargo trains rolling by,
Once again someone cries.

Trains and winter rains,
No going by, No going home.
Trains across their plains,
And in the sky, the star alone.

Everytime, Its their sin.
One more night, one more train.
Everywhere that he goes,
Where they go, noone knows.

Trains and winter rains,
No going by, No going home.
Trains across their plains,
And in the sky, the star alone.

Da, da, da, da…

Trains and winter rains,
No going by, No going home.
Trains across their plains,
And in the sky, the star alone.

Trains and winter rains,
No going by, No going home.
Trains across their plains,
And in the sky, the star alone.

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